
The NEW Advanced SEO Training Series: Tips, Tricks & Tactics now Available on DVD

Ready to upgrade your SEO skills, learn actionable new strategies, and get ready to make 2010 the year you totally rock online? Well, we’ve got just the thing to help you finish out the year with the latest tactics to take your SEO to the next level.

That’s right, the SEOmoz Advanced SEO Training Series is back with an all new DVD Series: Tips, Tricks & Tactics!  Whether you’re a fan of the series, or this is your first time experiencing SEOmoz Training DVDs, this new six DVD set is one you won’t want to miss. Filmed before a live audience in Seattle, Tips, Trick & Tactics features over a dozen world-class instructors teaching high-level, actionable strategies on 17 advanced topics.

Advanced SEO Training Series: Tips Tricks & Tactics

This brand new edition of the Advanced SEO Training Series includes over 10 hours of immediately actionable material designed to really push your SEO skills to the next level. These advanced strategies will help you launch your SEO plan or reinvigorate your existing efforts with fresh tactics that will change the way you think about online marketing.

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to get the latest and greatest SEO strategies from the world’s top experts. The information you get in Tips, Tricks & Tactics is the sort of in-depth, high-level stuff these pros don’t normally share at conferences, or even online. We actively encourage them to share their best advice, and most effective strategies that they use to be at the top of the SEO game…and they really deliver!

Until Sunday, December 6th you can get the Advanced SEO Training Series: Tips, Tricks & Tactics 6 DVD Set for just $399 (that’s $100 off the regular price of $499) and we’ll include FREE Shipping.  That’s less than 1/3 of what most industry conferences cost, and you can share this among your entire team (no travel expenses either).

Want to save even more?  SEOmoz PRO Members only pay $199 during launch ($249 regularly). Do the math and you’ll see that this is a great opportunity to get the brand new Advanced SEO Training Series, try SEOmoz PRO and save a ton of money at the same time.  Order soon, because the special release pricing will only last until December 6th and these DVD Series’ sell out every year (we only do a limited run of each DVD series). Get Tips, Tricks & Tactics now, and rev up your SEO in the new year!

Here’s a sneak preview of The Advanced SEO Training Series: Tips, Tricks & Tactics, and what people are saying about it…


What’s covered on Tips, Tricks & Tactics?  Tons!  This series features 15 Instructors (including Rand Fishkin, Todd Malicoat, Vanessa Fox, Ben Jesson, David Mihm, and more) speaking on almost every topic important to the advanced search marketer…

Disk One

  • SEO for Content
  • Advanced Site Architecture
  • Advanced Keyword Research

Disk Two

  • Local Search Strategies
  • Alternative SEO Tools
  • News & Image Search Strategies
  • Advanced Linkscape Tactics

Disk Three

  • How to Design a Link Building Campaign
  • How to Launch a Startup

Disk Four

  • History of SEO
  • Future of SEO
  • High ROI Social Media

Disk Five

  • Researching the Algorithms
  • How to Win SEO Budget
  • Conversion Rate Optimization

Disk Six

  • SEO Business Strategies
  • Avoiding Search Engine Penalties

Still want more? We have a limited quantity of free passes to SES Chicago ($1,995 value) if you purchase a new 1-year PRO Membership! That means you can get the Tips, Tricks & Tactics DVD Training Series, a full year of SEOmoz PRO, and an all-access pass to SES Chicago for almost $1,000 less than just the conference pass alone! Not going to Chicago? SES will let you exchange your free Chicago pass for any of their other conferences in 2010, including London, West, New York, or any other!

What Did Live Attendees have to Say About Tips, Tricks & Tactics?

“If last year was ‘tech school’ this year is ‘Grad School’! Really powerful presentations.”

“I’m the SEO for a $200 million company and I plan to use the knowledge I gained from this Training to radically change the foundations of my company.”

“I’ve seen the future…This is absolutely essential to businesses and did nothing short of blowing me away.”

“I’d recommend it to anyone but my competitors.”

“I felt like I had a serious wake-up call to remember why I’m optimizing websites in the first place.”

“It’s nice to hear about theories and logic, but these presentations with examples definitely make the ‘putting it into practice’ part much easier.”

“I’ve been doing SEO for four years now, and I found a lot of things in here that you just can’t find online.”

“This is very high-level, actionable stuff!”

“There’s a lot of information! It really gives you the edge.”

Get Tips, Tricks & Tactics now and get the edge for the new year!

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